
What Is LCA? Essential Guide to Life Cycle Assessment

What is LCA in sustainability? Understand a product’s environmental impact from cradle-to-grave & how LCA benefits businesses & society.

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What Is LCA? Essential Guide to Life Cycle Assessment

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a holistic scientific approach to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product, service, or process throughout its lifespan. 

These stages can include raw material extraction through materials processing, production/manufacturing, distribution, use, including repair and maintenance, and end of life, including disposal or recycling. 

By considering the comprehensive view of a product's environmental footprint, LCA helps to identify opportunities and trade-offs to improve sustainability and ecodesign throughout the product life cycle.

Product life cycle including material extraction, transport, processing, use phase and end-of-life

Environmental sustainability assessment is central to LCA. It allows businesses, policymakers and customers to make more informed decisions that can reduce negative environmental impacts. The European Environment Agency recognizes the value of such assessments in creating a more sustainable future, and the European Commission has proposed the Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods as a common way of measuring environmental performance.

When applied to products, services, or processes, LCA can provide impacts on different LCA impact categories such as water consumption, climate change, eutroplication, resources use and more, evaluating everything from energy consumption and material inputs to waste outputs, thus contributing to a holistic sustainability appraisal to avoid problem shifting by also considering tradeoffs between different impacts categories.

Key Takeaways

  • LCA assesses potential environmental impacts throughout a product's life cycle from crade-to-grave.
  • It supports environmental sustainability by facilitating informed decision-making for product design and policy, contributing to ESG.
  • The European Commission and European Environment Agency endorse LCA as a method to enhance environmental stewardship.

Fundamentals of LCA

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for identifying potential environmental impacts throughout a product's life cycle. As you delve into LCA, you'll explore its concepts, principles, and the methodology involved.

Concept and Importance

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a technique for assessing the environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life. By analyzing the sustainability of products, from raw material extraction to disposal, LCA provides insights into their long-term viability.

Historically, LCA practitioners employed various approaches to conduct their studies. However, with the method’s growing popularity and the emergence of commercial claims based on LCA outcomes, the demand for a unified LCA framework became apparent. 

This led to the evolution of LCA methodologies, beginning with SETAC’s influential work in 1990 and 1993, and culminating in the ISO standards of 1997 and 2006. Presently, the ISO 14040 series, including ISO 14040(2006) and ISO 14044(2006), stands as the most universally recognized and adopted methodology in the field.

Key Principles and Framework

The ISO 14040 series outlines the principles and framework for conducting an LCA. Key principles to consider include a transparent and comprehensive approach, considering the entire life cycle of the product or system.

LCA Methodology

The Steps of LCA: Goal and Scope Definition > Inventory Analysis > Impact Assessment > Interpretation

LCA methodology involves several steps: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation. This method entails a detailed examination of environmental impacts in alignment with the standards set by ISO 14040(2006) and ISO 14044(2006).

Different Life Cycle Models

Depending on the life cycle phases being focused on or data availability, you might include or exclude certain phases in your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Typically, there are five main product life cycle models to consider for your LCA.

1. Cradle-to-Grave

This approach examines a product’s entire lifecycle from raw material sourcing (the cradle) to disposal (the grave), including transportation, which, while listed as a specific step, can occur throughout the lifecycle.

2. Cradle-to-Gate

Cradle-to-gate evaluates a product up to the point it leaves the factory, excluding the use and disposal stages. This simplifies the LCA, offering quicker insights into a product’s environmental footprint, particularly concerning internal processes. Originally popular in environmental product declarations (EPD) as per EN15804+A1, the shift towards EN15804+A2 now prefers a cradle-to-grave approach for these declarations, which serve as standardized life cycle impact certifications between businesses.

3. Cradle-to-Cradle

Aligned with Circular Economy principles, cradle-to-cradle replaces the disposal phase with recycling, making materials reusable for new products and achieving closed-loop recycling.

Product life cycle calculation methodologies including cradle to cradle, cradle to grave and cradle to gate

4. Gate-to-Gate

Gate-to-Gate assessments are used for products with complex value chains, focusing on a single value-adding process within the production chain. This narrow focus analysis can then be integrated into the overall production chain to create a comprehensive LCA from Cradle-to-Gate, if necessary.

5. Well-To-Wheel

Applies to transport fuels and vehicles, breaking down the lifecycle into “Well-to-Tank” and “Tank-to-Wheels” for detailed emissions and energy use analysis.

Additional LCA Concepts

Additional LCA concepts that are used for particular case scenarios include (but are not limited to):

  • Prospective LCA: Anticipates the environmental impacts of products or processes before they are fully developed, guiding sustainable innovation from the outset.
  • Business LCA: Evaluates the specific environmental impacts of business operations or strategies, enabling targeted sustainability improvements in unique scenarios.
  • Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIOLCA): Uses industry data to estimate sector-specific impacts, useful for filling data gaps, though not detailed enough for product-level decisions.

Understanding a Product's Environmental Footprint: The LCA Calculation Framework and Journey

Recognizing the critical phases of the LCA process ensures a comprehensive understanding of product sustainability. Imagine you want to know the potential environmental impact of that new phone you're considering. A life cycle assessment (LCA) can help. It's a deep dive into a product's environmental footprint, analyzing its impact from the moment raw materials are extracted to the day (and way) it's thrown away.

Goal and Scope Definition

First, a clear goal for the LCA is needed. Are you comparing phone models to see which is greener, or trying to improve your company's product design to minimize environmental impact? This helps decide what information to gather. In general, the goal includes defining four key aspects: 

  • The purpose of doing LCA
  • The intended application of the LCA results
  • The intended audience of the LCA results communications
  • The type of LCA to be conducted — attributional, consequential, standalone or comparative

Then, the scope of the investigation is defined. Scope generally includes: 

  • System definition
  • Functional unit
  • Initial flow chart
  • System boundaries
  • LCIA model
  • Data requirements
  • Assumptions, limitations and allocation methods
  • Critical review

Here, the system boundaries must be outlined, which is everything considered to be part of the product's life cycle. This could include mining the metals, transporting them to factories, the manufacturing process itself, how the phone is used (including the energy it consumes), transportation to stores, how long people typically use it, and finally, its disposal or recycling. Defining system boundaries is crucial because they outline what will and will not be covered by the LCA being carried out.

To calculate the potential environmental impacts of a product system, we need to identify the service delivered by the product system to define a functional unit for which the environmental impacts will be calculated. The functional unit is a quantified description of the service provided by the system. All impacts are then calculated for that defined functional unit. When comparing different products, the functional unit must be the same; that means they have to provide the same quantified function, although their reference flows can be different.

To calculate the potential environmental impacts of a product, we first need to understand the product’s purpose and define it in clear numbers. This is what we call its functional unit. All impacts are then calculated based on that functional unit. 

When comparing different products, the functional unit must be the same; this means they must fulfill the same amount of purpose. For example, if you want to calculate the total environmental footprint of traveling from your house to your office, which is 30 km away by car, then the functional unit is ‘transporting one passenger over a distance of 30 kilometers.’ However, if you aim to determine which mode of transportation is better, the functional unit remains the same, but you can compare travel by bicycle, e-scooter, car with a fossil engine, electric car, and public transport, including buses or trains. They fulfill the same purpose but will have different environmental footprints.

At Vaayu, we usually define a functional unit as one unit of the product that will be delivered to the customer from the company point of sale

Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)

Building the Inventory & Tracking Resources

A Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is meticulously compiled, which is like a list of everything involved in the product's journey. An LCI is essentially the tracking of all inputs and outputs including emissions of the product system within the defined system boundaries.

This includes tracking all resources used throughout the life cycle, such as the energy used during mining and manufacturing (consider the embodied energy in those materials!), the materials themselves (think metals, plastics, and even packaging), and any waste generated at every stage. It also includes all outputs, by-products and emissions.

Life Cycle Impact Assessment

Understanding the Impact, from Resources to Pollution

Now, the LCA specialists must analyze how this comprehensive ‘shopping list’ translates into environmental impact. Here, we move into a phase called Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).

This is where we take the LCI data and evaluate its significance across various environmental categories.

This LCIA phase helps us identify and evaluate how much the product or service at hand contributes to each impact category. The selection of impact categories occurs either at the midpoint or endpoint of the cause-effect chain. Typically, Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) outcomes first connect to midpoint categories, which then progress to endpoint categories and ultimately to “areas of protection.” Think of it like translating the list into environmental consequences. For example, impacts are categorized into:

  • Depletion (e.g., are rare materials being used up?)
  • Climate change (e.g., how much greenhouse gas is emitted?)
  • Various pollution types (e.g., air, water, soil contamination).

Social factors can also be considered here, requiring an even more complex analysis.

At Vaayu, we adhere to the midpoint impact categories in line with the recommendations provided by the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) guidelines.


Pulling the LCA Together and Making Informed Decisions

Overview of pulling a product LCA together

Finally, the LCA is tied together in the interpretation phase. Here, results from the inventory analysis (LCI) and impact assessment (LCIA) are analyzed to come to conclusions and help businesses make informed decisions. 

Findings should be explained in a clear and concise way, presenting a well-organized study. Recommendations for additional information should also be included — maybe some data points were unclear and require further research.

Crucially, conclusions must stay within respected boundaries set by the initial goal and scope. It’s important businesses do not jump to conclusions that go beyond the investigation's frame and do not speak correctly to the science and findings.

The key is ensuring the entire LCA analysis is consistent and provides a solid foundation for informed decision-making. Did the product or service use a lot of energy-intensive materials? Does disposal create significant waste? 

This information empowers businesses to make better choices — for themselves, the consumer, and, crucially, the planet — like selecting more sustainable materials or designing for more manageable and less wasteful recycling.

An LCA isn't just about generating new data; it's about gaining a holistic understanding of a product's environmental impact and using that knowledge to make more sustainable choices.

What Are the Types of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic analysis method evaluating the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its entire life cycle. There are primarily two overarching types of LCA:

1. Attributional LCA (ALCA): This approach accounts for the environmental burdens associated with a product, process, or service by identifying and quantifying energy, material usage, and environmental releases. It provides a 'snapshot' of the system being assessed at a specific point in time. Your focus is on static analysis for documentation and eco-profiles.

2. Consequential LCA (CLCA): CLCA aims to understand the environmental consequences of a decision or a proposed change within a system, which is often forward-looking. It differs from ALCA in that it evaluates the broader system and includes the long-term effects of decisions. Vaayu is proud to use consequential LCA as part of the methodology developed for partners, including our work with Greater Southeast Asia’s Carousell Group

Understanding a Product's Footprint with LCA

An LCA includes everything from the resources pulled from the earth to manufacture it to the waste it generates at the end of its life. Think of it as a comprehensive environmental audit.

Resource usage and waste production: An LCA closely examines how much energy and raw materials a product consumes throughout its life. It also tracks the amount of waste generated at each stage, from manufacturing to disposal. This helps us identify areas for improvement in resource efficiency and waste reduction.

Emissions and quantifying a product's carbon footprint: Emissions play a critical role in climate change and global warming. During an LCA, greenhouse gas emissions are quantified to understand a product's carbon footprint. This information is crucial for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.

Factory chimneys releasing harmful greenhouse gases

Impact on Human Health and Ecosystems: Considering the Bigger Picture

Beyond the environment and emissions, LCA can also consider a product's impact on human well-being and the health of ecosystems. 

Human Health: Exposure to toxic substances and pollutants during a product's life cycle can pose health risks. An LCA can examine these potential hazards to ensure products are designed and manufactured with human health in mind.

Ecosystems: Emissions and waste disposal can significantly impact biodiversity. An LCA can investigate how a product's life cycle affects the earth’s many ecosystems. Understanding these impacts is crucial for sustainable practices since a healthy environment is vital for human well-being.

Vaayu is proud to go beyond emissions to also calculate impact categories that link to human health and ecosystems.

Socio-Economic Considerations

While a traditional LCA focuses on environmental aspects, a broader approach called Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) can also be used to consider socio-economic implications.

Social LCA (S-LCA): S-LCA expands on traditional LCA to include social and socio-economic considerations. This means looking at factors like labor rights, working conditions, and potential impacts on local communities. Research articles discussing S-LCA methods can provide valuable insights into how social impacts intertwine with environmental and economic aspects.

Socio-Economic Impacts: An LCA can also shed light on the broader societal impacts of a product. This encompasses job creation, economic growth, and potential adverse effects like social inequalities or unfair labor practices. By understanding these socio-economic impacts, businesses and policymakers can make more informed decisions that promote a sustainable and just future.

Overall, LCA provides a comprehensive framework for assessing a product's environmental and social impacts. This data is instrumental for companies effectively measuring and managing their ESG performance, significantly contributing to the data required. By understanding their environmental footprint and potential social risks, companies can make informed decisions to become more sustainable and socially responsible.

Applications and Implementation of LCA

In this section, you'll explore how Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is integrated across different fields, influencing products, policies, and education. You'll discover its role in everything from manufacturing to waste management and how it's reshaping sustainable practices.

Industry and Product-Specific Applications

Product Development: LCA can be used to identify environmental hotspots in the production process, leading to more sustainable product designs.

Manufacturing: LCA helps optimize manufacturing processes to reduce resources and energy consumption.

Waste Management: Companies are applying LCA to improve waste management strategies, reducing landfill impacts and greenhouse gas emissions.

Policy and Decision Making

Policy Formation: Policymakers leverage LCA to craft regulations that minimize the carbon footprint of various economic sectors.

Decision-Makers: If you're a decision-maker, integrating LCA into your strategy can guide you towards more environmentally-conscious choices across many retail touchpoints, including the supply chain.

ESG Management: LCA data is instrumental in companies effectively measuring and managing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. By understanding their environmental footprint and potential social risks, the contribution of this data means companies can make informed decisions to become more sustainable and socially responsible.

Education and Awareness

Education: LCA is increasingly included in academic curricula to educate future professionals about sustainable practices.

Awareness: By raising awareness about the real-world applications of LCA, you can drive production and consumption toward sustainability.

To hear more about LCA from one of the industry’s leading specialists, check out our discussion with Dr. Stephen Allen, LCA expert and senior lecturer at the University of Bath. If your company is ready to take the next steps toward understanding its climate impact, reach out to Vaayu today.

Jen Latimer
Senior Copywriter with expertise in crafting impactful sustainability messaging, educational content and branding.
Namrata Sandhu
CEO & Co-Founder
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How Can Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Help Reach Net Zero?

Life Cycle Assessment can identify areas where emissions can be reduced. This allows you to craft strategies to lower the carbon footprint of products or services. Utilizing LCA gives you a roadmap towards net zero by emphasizing each stage of a product's life.

How Does Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Relate to Circularity?

LCA measures the reuse and recyclability of materials, aligning with the principles of circular economy. By assessing the complete product lifecycle, you can pinpoint opportunities to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency, driving toward greater circularity.

What is the role of LCA in assessing the environmental impact of a product?

LCA provides a comprehensive evaluation of environmental impacts across a product's lifecycle. By looking at metrics such as carbon footprint, water usage, and pollution, you're equipped to identify critical areas for impact reduction.

How does LCA contribute to sustainable product development?

LCA aids in identifying the environmental hotspots in product development. This knowledge allows for designing more sustainable products with less environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. It guides you towards greener innovation.

How Is Data Collected for Life Cycle Assessment?

Data collection methods depend heavily on the LCA provider. At Vaayu, our Impact Modeling Engine and Database, Kria, is designed to compute a combination of primary data and quality secondary data. 

Vaayu gathers primary data from brands and/or manufacturers via direct measurement of a known process, which may be site-specific. Secondary data comes from published and peer-reviewed literature, established emission factors, and other representative data. 

The secondary data used in impact calculations is automatically determined by Kria, where statistical AI and machine learning models are used to identify the most appropriate secondary data point based on what Vaayu’s experts are feeding into the machine. 

Kria prioritizes primary data in all available cases, which can be added via manual enrichment or automated extraction.

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