
Vaayu is TÜV Rheinland Certified

Vaayu’s carbon footprinting method is now certified by TÜV Rheinland in line with the leading GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.

Footprinting & LCA
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Vaayu is TÜV Rheinland Certified

Vaayu’s corporate carbon footprinting method is now certified by TÜV Rheinland to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard — the leading international standard for calculating organization-wide emissions.

This certification ensures that brands and retailers partnering with Vaayu are receiving a globally recognized and trusted approach to their carbon footprint calculation. TÜV Rheinland thoroughly assessed Vaayu’s approach to computing GHG emissions at the organizational level, concluding that our method is scientifically based and reflects state of the art carbon accounting.

Vaayu and our in-house team of LCA, data and retail experts are thrilled to have reached this critical milestone. It solidifies Vaayu’s ability to serve our retail partners in accurately calculating and understanding their company and value chain emissions in a manner consistent with the GHG Protocol standard, which underpins upcoming disclosure requirements across Europe and the United States.

“The sustainability legal landscape is transforming quickly, and one way or another, all of our business partners will need to account for their emissions and disclose them in a complete and credible manner. Our certification to the GHG Protocol with TÜV Rheinland firmly demonstrates the consistency of Vaayu’s approach with the foundational standard underpinning the core organizational disclosure and reduction requirements on the horizon," said Donald Ristow, Vaayu’s Senior Legal Counsel, Environmental Sustainability.

What is TÜV Rheinland?

Founded more than a century ago, TÜV Rheinland is among the world’s leading providers of testing and certification services. TÜV stands for safety and quality, and through their certification of management systems according to international standards, they generate trust in products and processes across the globe.

Why Does Carbon Accounting in Line with the GHG Protocol Matter? 

First published more than two decades ago and routinely updated since, the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard is the world’s most widely used GHG accounting standard for developing comprehensive and reliable emissions inventories at the organization level. The GHG Protocol’s framing of emissions Scopes 1, 2 and 3 has come to define the vocabulary for how emissions are categorized and conceptualized in corporate inventories across all economic sectors.

As a result, the GHG Protocol is now the foundation for major corporate accounting and disclosure requirements and frameworks emerging globally, including:

Global Legislation:

Complementary and Underlying Standards and Frameworks:

Where to Start with Your Carbon Reduction Journey

Regardless of your starting point as a retail business in navigating the emerging sustainability landscape, all roads lead to accurate and reliable carbon accounting consistent with the GHG Protocol. It is an essential foundation for tracking impact, disclosing information to stakeholders and identifying reduction opportunities.

Vaayu’s methodology certification by TÜV Rheinland ensures that brands and retailers that partner with Vaayu can trust that our approach to organizational accounting is in alignment with the most respected and globally-recognized standard.

The peace of mind this certification provides alongside Vaayu’s wider offering — including real-time data, one straightforward dashboard and in-house expertise allowing for preparations for current and upcoming regulation changes — equates to one trusted provider for your journey towards decarbonization.

View Vaayu’s TÜV certification or get in touch to start your trusted carbon reduction journey today.

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