
Luca Schmid

CTO & Co-Founder, Vaayu
AI, Machine Learning and Data Science
Full-Stack Developer

Luca Schmid is the CTO and Co-Founder of Vaayu. Born in Switzerland, he has lived and worked in multiple countries across Europe, spending much of his time in Berlin and Munich. 

Luca is a Full-Stack Developer with a decade of experience. Self-taught, he is fluent in over 10 programming languages and holds specialist expertise in Data Science. 

Prior to founding Vaayu, Luca led a Development Team at Vimcar, optimizing the company’s core algorithm and further technical fundamentals, and also built the Helfer & Helden mobile application to help local businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

With a fierce belief that climate change is the biggest problem for humanity, Luca met Nam in 2020 and together they co-founded Vaayu. 

His vision, product development experience and speed gave life to a world-first: Kria. Kria is Vaayu’s complex Impact Modeling Engine and database comprising more than 600,000 activity-based data points. Its models leverage proprietary AI and machine learning technology to generate granular data on the climate impact of retail brands and businesses.

Luca leads the technology and data science teams at Vaayu using his strong technical abilities and track record of building quality products.

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Luca Schmid

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